Rolex on the Wall

It was, for a long time, the only way to visualize worldly time and sunlight before the internet. Though corporate hands have been changed, and from California to Oregon, then to Colorado Springs, Colorado, the Geochron has remained a niche item with a dedicated following. Only a few top technicians are able to build these intricate watches, and its limited production has kept it a distinctive item instead of a mass-market hit.Rolex on the Wall

He has gone to the step of digital options in the belief of keeping this anachronistic watch relevant in a world dominated by information and convenience. In the pandemic Bolan brought the present to the street, riding with his BMW RT motorcycle all the way from the decrease 48 to the reach of a Geochron owner in each state. That hike allowed him to associate names and features with buying orders, thus, enabling Bolan to make a better sense of clock’s fervent albeit small fanbase.

Although the temporal situation was not optimal, one of several possible encounters was with the owner of Long Island Watch, Marc Frankel, whose Geochron will be familiar to all who watch his YouTube videos. Frankel, an aerospace engineer trained to recognize, is quick to calibrate not only that he has a Geochron, but also the fine detail of a tool able to precisely read the shape of the solar analemma as well as the shape of its figure-eight (twin-loop) path across the sky.

Sharper Image catalog Rolex on the Wall

Frankel’s first exposure to the clock occurred while browsing a Sharper Image catalog, which was almost completely in line with the niche that Geochron had been targeting for well over a decade. I saw it on Hunt for Red October and I’m like, ‘Whoa!’—And I know Reagan used to have it, too, Frankel agrees. “I love the map of the sunlight curve and how, over time, through the orbit of the planet, the sun hits it. It just changes, and that’s amazing to me. I did try to find something that would be close enough—like a screensaver for a buck—to simulate it, but it wasn’t sufficiently mechanical to do the job. I gave in and spent a couple grand, and it’s been mine ever since.

Although a 99-cent screensaver,

or an Apple Watch, can show you just as much/more information, and so many other things, the technical side of a Geochron and a self-winding watch activates a certain nerd inside of me. To Frankel, that mechanical nervous system is geochronically associated.